Intervention and Support

Intervention and Support

We believe all students are capable of learning when they are highly engaged with appropriate learning experiences. Some students need additional support to achieve success and our intervention programs provide this at an individual level.

Additional learning and support needs may relate to a range of circumstances for the child. Teaching staff and external support agencies work together and with families to plan and implement a personalised learning plan known as a One Plan for identified students. Through this process learning goals are designed and supported to meet the needs of each student. The Intervention and Support team works in collaboration across Years 7-12, the Flexible Learning Program and the Inclusive Education Centre.

High quality intervention and support programs in place include:

  • the Targeted Learning Centre (TLC) program providing an engaging, inspiring and safe learning space to students in Years 7-10 who require additional learning support.
  • connecting students, families and education staff with providers as required, including those engaged through National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), Disability Employment Agencies and Department for Education Student Support Services: Speech Pathology, Psychology, Special Education and Behaviour Coach support
  • classroom-based support for literacy and numeracy interventions and SACE completion
  • a range of alternative programs for students who require additional wellbeing and engagement support (please refer to the Alternative Program information).

Targeted Learning Centre (TLC)

The Targeted Learning Centre program operates within a learning space designed to meet the needs of an identified small group of students with a diverse range of additional learning needs in Years 7-10.

A differentiated curriculum is customised to unique learning needs arising from a broad range of student development levels. Lessons are tailored and adjusted to the student’s current ability, while increasing opportunities for success and engagement.

Identified students in Years 7-9 attend the TLC every day for all subjects, where they access a significantly modified curriculum, as well as targeted intervention for literacy and numeracy skills. Students work with one Care Group teacher and have access to a classroom Support Officer at all times. Identified students in the Year 10 Targeted Learning Centre attend for the core subjects: English, Mathematics, Personalised Learning Plan, Science and History. All remaining elective subjects are undertaken in regular classes.

Although most programs offered in the TLC focus on supporting individual progress in literacy and numeracy, the centre also provides assistance with cognitive, social, emotional and wellbeing support to identified students. The TLC aims to improve academic outcomes and wellbeing of students, support self-regulation and increase overall engagement in learning. To access the TLC students need to go through a school-based referral process.

Alternative Programs

We provide a range of alternative programs to encourage participation and engagement in school life and learning experiences.

Alternative programs are tailored to the needs of individual or small groups of students through a case managed model and vary based on need. A range of experts are engaged to ensure high quality is maintained, drawing on the expertise within our immediate community.

Some of the alternative programs currently offered include:

  • Art Therapy
  • Bike Balance
  • Car Restoration
  • Creative Art
  • Creative Cooking
  • Culture Connections
  • Fitness
  • Hoops 4 Life
  • Ice Factor
  • Labs ‘n Life
  • SAASTA Connect

Modified SACE

Modified SACE subjects are highly individualised subjects in which curriculum and assessment are designed around development of one or more SACE capabilities and personal learning goals that are appropriate for the student.

A Modified SACE pathway enables students with a range of physical cognitive and sensory disabilities to demonstrate their learning in a range of subjects. Modified SACE allows students to develop their capabilities and personal learning goals. Students learn how to identify, develop, and achieve their personal learning goals in the context of the subject undertaken. To be eligible for Modified SACE, students need to go through a school-based referral process with relevant Assistant Principals and teaching staff.

Post-School Pathways

Students accessing intensive support are further assisted to connect with successful pathways into their life after school.

This includes drawing on community resources and expertise to support students making the transition to adult life, and extends to creating clear pathways to work or further study.

For more information please contact Skai Perkins, Assistant Principal on 8329 9700 or via