Middle Years 7-9
Students in the middle years are experiencing a profound transition from childhood to adolescence. They are undergoing significant intellectual, social, physical, emotional, ethical and moral development. These are the years when experiencing positive relationships, being genuinely engaged in learning and developing high self-esteem have a major and lasting impact on each young person.
We are committed to providing young people with high quality teaching and learning programs in engaging and supportive environments that promote academic success and wellbeing. Middle school education at Christies Beach High School (CBHS) builds upon skills acquired in previous learning experiences while allowing students to explore new areas of interest that will give direction for future choices. It also acknowledges that middle school students are young people who are experiencing profound intellectual, physical, social and emotional changes.
The features of our middle school structure promote an inclusive school community and positive mental health and wellbeing for all community members. CBHS understands that respectful relationships are the glue that holds a positive school community together and promote a sense of belonging for students, staff and families. When students feel included and connected to school they will be more likely to participate in the school community and achieve academic success. Care Groups provide an important platform for the development of these relationships.
Our middle schooling model fosters learning environments centred on powerful and democratic relationships that support successful transition for students as they move from primary into high school. CBHS provides students in years 7, 8 and 9 with a deep and personalised connection with a team of teachers who deliver the Wellbeing program, English, mathematics, science, humanities and social sciences (MESH), and is complemented by a wide range of additional subjects that ensure complete engagement with the Australian Curriculum. We aim to provide opportunities for every child to achieve success in all subjects and explore personal strengths through a diverse curriculum.
The Australian Curriculum sets out the essential knowledge, understanding, skills and general capabilities important for all Australian students. It describes the learning entitlement of students as a foundation for their future learning, growth and active participation in the Australian community, while clarifying what all young Australians should learn as they progress through school.
Alongside subject knowledge, the Australian Curriculum provides seven general capabilities: literacy; numeracy; information and communication technology capability; critical and creative thinking; personal and social capability; ethical understanding; and intercultural understanding. The general capabilities comprise an integrated and interconnected set of knowledge, skills, behaviours and dispositions that apply across subject-based content and equip students to be lifelong learners and able to operate with confidence in a complex, information-rich, globalised world.
The middle school curriculum is designed to develop successful learners, confident and creative individuals, and active and informed citizens, whilst providing increased opportunities for students to make choices and specialise in learning of particular interest.
At CBHS, middle school students experience a range of subjects in the following learning areas:
- Mathematics
- English
- Science
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Physical Education
- Spanish
- The Arts
- Design and Technology
- Home Economics
- Wellbeing.